November 7, 2017

Offer, Skead, and Seen on Humor in the Law Classroom @UWALawSchool @tandfonline

Kate Offer, Natalie Skead, and Angelyn Seen have published  "You Must Be Joking": The Role of Humour in the Law Classroom," The Law Teacher, published online October 17, 2017. Here is the abstract.

There is a body of literature, including persuasive empirical evidence, linking the use of positive humour in tertiary classrooms with the creation of a relaxed learning environment, student motivation, attendance and engagement as well as positive student evaluations of teacher performance. However, the literature on the use of humour in teaching law is generally limited to anecdotal evidence. Drawing on the literature on using humour in teaching courses that students perceive as “difficult” in other disciplines, in this article we explore the benefits and pitfalls of using humour in the law classroom and provide illustrations of how humour might be used appropriately and effectively in teaching law.

The full article is available via subscription. 

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