September 17, 2016

Sexual Violence and the TV Drama

In a column for the Globe and Mail, writer and producer Ellen Vanstone discusses how rape has become a mainstay of tv scripts, for shows ranging from fantasy series such as Game of Thrones to procedurals such as Law & Order to thrillers such as The Americans. 

A Selected Bibliography 

Lisa M. Cuklanz, Rape on Prime Time: Television, Masculinity, and Sexual Violence (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1999).

Lisa M. Cuklanz, Rape on Trial: How the Mass Media Construct Legal Reform and Social Change (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995).

Molly Haskell, From Reverence To Rape: The Treatment of Women in the Movies (2d ed., University of Chicago, 1987).

Lee Ann Kahlor and Matthew S. Eastin,  Television's Role in the Culture of Violence Toward Women: A Study of Television Viewing and the Cultivation of Rape Myth Acceptance in the United States, 55 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 215-231 (2011).

Sarah Projansky, Watching Rape: Film and Television in Post-Feminist Culture (NYU Press, 2001).

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